The Legend of Zelda universe is home to a dizzying variety of sapient creatures, and in Beyond the Sword, players can choose from a great many of them to play as. So once you are prepared to truly begin creating your character, the first major step is to decide which species or “Race” your PC will be.

The Race that your character belongs to establishes the basics of who they are and what they can do. Rather than essentializing biology to predetermine cultures and personalities, Race marks the outer limits of what is possible for beings of different kinds; the mighty Gorons, for example, are covered in tough hide that makes them capable of easily withstanding physical harm, while the avian Rito sport plumage that enables the power of flight, and for some even insulates against extreme cold.

So then, when choosing a Race for your character, it is important to not just consider general appearance, but also the unique traits and dispositions of any given species. Racial groups can have special senses or magical abilities that affect how they experience and interact with the world, and you can make use of these during a game. Further, a number of races feature internal varieties called “Subraces,” and these groups have even more distinctive qualities that you can take advantage of while playing.

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Race List

Bipedal reindeer-like creatures that reside in the frigid northern regions of the world. Sometimes thought to have originated from the Elemental Realm of Water.

A family of two-legged swine-like animals, first created by the magic of the Demon King to serve as infantry.

Darknut (Tartnuc)
Large wolf-like monsters creatures created to fight for the Demon King long ago, but now live in various remote corners around the world.

Anthropomorphic, plant-like beings made of wood, vine, and leaf. May not be native to the Golden World, as they reside on many worlds throughout the cosmos.

Djinzoku (Primemold, Aigalwé, “Ancient Robot”)
A technologically sophisticated race of synthetic beings created millions of years ago by the Goddess Hylia.

A family of closely related subspecies of humanoids, which emerged through interaction with the Hylia. They are easily recognized by their long, pointed ears. Generally believed to be the Goddess’s favorite race.

Magical creatures that look after the world, and often also serve powerful nature spirits.

A distant relative of darknuts that resemble large, upright Tasmanian devils.

Large elemental beings composed of various forms of lithic ores. Generally reside in mountainous and volcanic regions.

Han’gyo (Zola)
Sometimes mistaken for zora or merfolks, these are strange fish-like monsters that have historically terrorized seafaring people the world over.

Extant members of the original group of humanoids that they and erabar both descend from. Identifiable by their short, rounded ears, they are the most common and adaptable humanoids in the world.

Slim, three-tailed creatures that resemble foxes, but much larger. Highly adaptable and found in many different environments on every landmass.

Kehrana (Frog-folk)
An uncommon race of large frog-like creatures who reside in a few scattered locations around the world.

Similar to large monkeys or great apes, these intelligent primates make their homes in the canopies of dense forests in many parts of the world/

A highly diverse family of reptilian monsters created ages ago from simple lizards to act as servants and warriors for the Demon King. Are also highly adaptable creatures able to survive even extreme environments.

An unusual monster that appears as having the head of a lion, the torso of a humanoid, and the body/legs of a horse. Though originally created by the Demon King to be elite fighters, their numbers have dwindled, and most that remain are of a much smaller breed compared to ancient counterparts.

Mahoáshi (Wizzrobe)
A bizarre race of colorful, toucan-like monsters gifted with the use of magic. Their covens are generally reclusive and well hidden, but some do venture out into the world at times.

Similar to minotaurs, but possess the heads of horses instead of bulls. Originally corrupted from ancient horses – creations of the goddess Malanya – but have since renounced the Demon King and embraced their ancestral mother.

Minish (Picori, Chilorian)
Small, pocket-sized creatures that look a lot like bipedal mice. As spirits native to the Risen Realm, they are well attuned to magic, and can even size-shift in order to interact with larger beings.

Semi-subterranean mole-like creatures that can inhabit a variety of environments. Usually make their homes in underground tunnels and caves, where they’ll construct entire villages, or even towns.

Part seahorse, part jellyfish, these strange creatures reside deep in the world’s oceans. They have frequent interactions with ocean zora and merfolk, and generally avoid han’gyo, who have historically hunted them.

A race of ancient, semi-celestial avians who, after developing complex technology, took to living on mechanical cities that fly high above the surface of the world. They have a close relationship with Aeolians.

Creatures that appear like large birds, whose wings also serve as typical forelimbs. They come in several different subspecies, and are a fairly common race.

Dragon-like spirits created by dragon lords to serve as their attendants. Unable to reproduce themselves, they are instead formed by dragons deliberately, and can live for many centuries.

A race of semi-aquatic gecko-like creatures that only seem to live on one chain of islands in the eastern hemisphere of the Golden World.

Semi-infernal shadow spirits descended from an errant group of ancient erabar who rebelled against Hylia, and were thus banished to the Twilight Realm.

Ura (Subrosian)
Uncanny insectoids that reside in subterranean, volcanic caverns below the surface of the planet. Rarely ascend to the surface for any reason.

Yeti (Meh-teh)
Similar to the classic “abominable snowman” creature, but nowhere as fierce. These large beings mostly reside in snowcapped mountain ranges north of Hyrule.

Highly aquatic fish-like beings who make their homes in rivers, springs, lakes, marshes, and oceans all over the world.

Zuna (Wahad)
Green-skinned, desert dwelling beings distantly related to Gerudo; sometimes pejoratively referred to as “cactus people,” usually by Gerudo. They emerged as a distinct species through their devotion to Ma’ajana, the god of the oasis.